Yes true

Aku malas nak menaip sekarang. Aku nak copy paste aje . What? Susah kan kau kee? Sorryyy sikit.

Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there isn't a God! Student: Sir, can you see your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Can you touch your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Oh ok so you have no brain?

Dear Parents,
I stay up late, fall out with friends, have a messy room, literally LIVE on my lap-top, I'm lazy, and I'm ALWAYS texting. Though mum, dad, I'm NOT the only teenager that acts like that. I am just a TYPICAL teenager. So don't think your doing anything wrong, because your not. To be honest, if I WASN'T doing any of these, things, THEN you should be worried.
Teenagers everywhere.

Dear Teachers,
I'm sorry I didn't realize that the color of my nails, how many bracelets I wear, If my hair is up or down, What clothes I have on, If I wear make-up or how many piercings I have would affect my education.

four main reasons a girl
will stop texting back.
One - You said something that made her mad
Two - You just started to get boring
Three - She fell asleep
Four - You said the letter "K"

Son: Dad, my math teacher yelled at me today!
Dad: Why?!
Son: My teacher asked me what is 3 x 2, and I answered 6.
Dad: That's right!
Son: Then he asked me what is 2 x 3
Dad: WTF is the difference?
Son: That's what I said...

Boy: imma go to sleep.
Girl: ok
Boy: i love you
Girl: i love you too bye
*hangs up*
...Girl sends text to boy saying "i dont want you to go"
Girl's phone rings
Girl: hello?
Boy: i decided you were more important than sleep :)

Bruno Mars close his eyes, he sees his name in shining light. Justin Bieber closes his eyes, he sees a better day. I close my eyes, I see darkness. WTF?

I received a blank text from my wife the other day.
When I got in from work I asked "Why did you send me a blank text?"
"Because I'm not talking to you."

GIRL: Just go talk to her!
BOY: I CAN'T! I'm in love with her but she's not in love with me...
GIRL: She will! You're amazing.
BOY: Fine.... i love you.
GIRL: I love you too now go tell her.
BOY: I just did ♥

''Hey,want some updog?''
Person: ''What is that?''
You: ''What is what?''
Person: ''Updog?''
You: ''What about it?''
Person: ''What is it?''
You: ''What is what?''
Person: ''WHAT IS UPDOG?!''
You: ''Not much''

I swear Mario is a hobo. He wakes up everyday in the same clothes, runs around in sewers, and collects coins. To buy what? MUSHROOMS.


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