heyyo peeps,

disebabkan aku pergi mencuri tag daripade SYIHAM, aku hampir2 dibunuh beliau.ECEHHHH ayat kao lbeh2 weh laa,dea hukum aku jwb tag dea se ag.HAHAHAHA.selambe aku jee diam2 amek tag dea.xD.igt tak psan,psan jugak kao SYIHAM..CEHHH.:D.

Starting Time: 8.58

- Name: Nurulfatihah bt Ahmad Nazri . *best kan kan?:D
- Brother(s): Aimierul Ahmad Nazri.
- Eye color: Black sajeee.HEE
- Shoe size: 5 or 6 jugak.*same ngan syiham.HAHA
- Hair: Rainbow.:)
- Piercings: TAKNAK,saket.:(
- Height: 150cm ? *pendek?bia laa.;p
- What are you wearing right now: Shortpants vs baju tido *ngtuk ag.:O
- Where do you live: Pluto.*taktahu?search .:D
-Favorite number: 7 * no nie nsem doe.HAHAAHA
- Favorite drink: Horlick . *ini mmg sedap sgt nk mati!
- Favorite month: DECEMBER.:3
- Favorite breakfast: Nasi Minyak.HEHE

-Have you ever-
- Broken a bone: Never Say Never .GAHH
- Been in a police car: PERNAHHHH.kes bunuh org.
- Fallen for a friend: Emm emm,sejuk gile la skunk nie en en?
- Fallen for guys in a short period of time: YEA :D
- Swam in the ocean: errr.lemas t,mati pulak aku.:O
- Fallen asleep in school: Yes,but not for a long time.
- Broken someone's heart: YES. many hearts i guess.
- Cried when someone died: Mesty la,takkan nak hepi doe?
- Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Ermm,EHEM
- Saved e-mails: HEEE.:D
- Been cheated on: Penah,ase bhagie sgt.

- Your room look like: Like A G6.xD
- What is right beside you: A messy bed.HUH
- What is the last thing you ate: Nasi Monyakkk~

- Who did you last yell at?: Gile ar weh,penat gle aku smlm,kao tahu?*change topic.xD
- Who was the last person you danced with: With my handsome cat.*wooo.
- Who last made you smile: i call him DARLING :3

-Final Questions-
- What are you listening to right know?: Down To Earth BY my BABYYY<3
- What did you do today?: Online?:O
- Are you the oldest?: TAK LAAA,sye TERMUDE.
- Indoors or outdoors?: outdoor bebeh.:)

-Today did you-
- Talk to someone you like?: HUGA HUGA HUGA.xD
- Kiss anyone?: My cat.:)
- Sing?: Melalak best<3
- Talk to an ex?: ERK.ptut ke?-___-
- Miss someone?: YES!
- Eat?: Aku HUMAN,so kuad mkn.;p

-Last person-
- You talked to on the phone?: Anak Che Anual.HEH
- Made you cry?: Ank Che Anual.*kao ag.-__-
- Went to the movies with?: Syairah Kamal.*blnje la aku lagi.Wakaka.xD
- You went to the mall with?: MY friends.:)
- Who cheered you up?: My My Majesty.GAHHH.xD

-Have you-
- Been to Mexico?: taknak tknak.nk g FRANCE.*mmlih.xD
- Been to USA?: Taknak,ade OBAMA.*yeke?

- Have a crush on someone?: Ye ye.
- What book are you reading right now: Kisah IEHO Melawan Raksase Otomen.*5STAR.
- Best feeling in the world: Entoh.rase selok selok?HAHA
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Erk.Perlu ke?
- What's under your bed?: My heart.*aku smpan bwh katil doe.xD
- Favourite sport(s): PingPong,Badminton.*aku suke :D
- Favourite place: France.*sape sape bwk la aku g.:O
-Who do you really hate?: Kao yang tgh bace.
- Do you have a job?: Oh,ade ade.Aku part time keje sbgai awek JB,then mlm mlm.jadi cam Hayley.
- What time is it now?: 9.18 :)

SAPE NAK TAG NIE,amek laaa.:3. thengs si syiham.hee :D


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